Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pesticide Exposure Linked to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Kids

Pesticides linked to ADHD

A recent study (Pediatrics, may 17, 2010) of 1139 children aged 8 to 15 years of age found children with greater exposure to widely used pesticides are more likely to have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

As levels of the organophosphate pesticide metabolite (breakdown product) dialkyl phosphate metabolites increased, so did ADHD prevalence. In particular, children with elevations in the most commonly detected metabolite, dimethyl thiophosphate, had twice the odds of having ADHD. That is the higher the levels the greater the risk of being diagnosed with ADHD. These pesticides have their effect on the nervous system so it is easy to understand how they can contribute to ADHD

The authors of the study concluded that organophosphate pesticide exposure, at levels common among US children, may contribute to ADHD prevalence. Common organophosphate pesticides in the home include diazanon, chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos used in insect sprays and treatments. Unfortunately, because of our poor understanding of these kids we then treat them with other highly toxic chemicals such as Ritalin and similar drugs instead of finding out the cause of the problem.

Perhaps we should be asking what other chemicals may be contributing to the symptoms of ADHD? And the answer would be heavy metals such as mercury and lead and the food colours common in every kids food.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and the most alarming thing about these new reports, is they state that these health effects occur when our children are exposed to ordinary levels found in parks and gardens. It has also been shown to cross the placental barrier. You would think that these reports would stop the use of these common pesticides in public areas immediatley. I have been creating an awareness for 10 years, and Dr Dingle much longer about these pesticides, and it all just lands of deaf ears. Sad.
